Life Performance-Focused

Human Performance Wheel

As humans, we are constantly engaged in the intricate dance of life, performing various roles and responsibilities on a daily basis. Whether it's in our professional endeavors, personal relationships, or pursuing our passions, we are always striving to give our best. However, there are times when we might feel a sense of misalignment, as if something isn't quite right in our performance. It can be challenging to pinpoint the specific areas where we are experiencing difficulties.

One reason for this challenge is the complexity of our lives. We have multifaceted roles, and each one demands a different set of skills and qualities. We may excel in some areas while struggling in others, making it difficult to recognize where the root of the problem lies. Our attention and energy get divided among various aspects of our lives, leaving us with limited capacity to self-reflect and identify the exact areas that need improvement.

I want to share with you the Human Performance Wheel. I use this personally to guide my own reflections whenever I feel like I am "underperforming" in life, at work, or in my relationships.

What does underperforming feels like?

Career Path

Do you experience a sense of dissatisfaction, lack of fulfillment, and low self-esteem? Do you feel like you're not meeting your own expectations or the expectations set by others? Do you experience a constant fear of being judged, criticized, or even losing your job?


Underperforming in our relationship can make us feel inadequate and insecure. We may feel like we are not good enough for our partner, family, or friends. We may feel like we are not meeting their expectations or providing the support and care we desire. This can lead to feelings of guilt, self-blame, decreased sense of connection, and a strain on our relationships.

Life Purpose

We may perceive that we are not achieving our personal goals or living up to our own potential. This feeling can manifest as a sense of stagnation, lack of progress, or even a loss of direction and purpose. It may lead to feelings of regret, self-doubt, and a constant comparison with others' achievements. Overall, it can result in a decreased sense of happiness and contentment.

You don't have to go all out. Remember, we are humans, and we cannot do it all. We can try, but it's not sustainable. 


Start with a simple reflection and identify which of the three areas [career, relationships, purpose] is needing to be re-energized or recharged in your life. Pick one. Just one.


Identify and reflect on the TOP 3  domains from the 10 Human Performance Domains where you feel some disconnection from. How are these TOP 3 domains impacting the rest of the Human Performance Domains? What can you do about them?

You may also follow the flow of the Human Performance Wheel by starting with Goal setting > Mental Preparation > Visualization >>> Self-efficacy. I love the concept of anticlockwise movement as it pertains to "positive direction". You don't have to go through the 10 domains in order, but if you enjoy structure it may work well for you to try it that way.


You don't have to do this alone. It may be helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a professional. 

Want to know if I am the right support person for you? 

Get on a 30-minute discovery call with me!

Human Performance Domains