
Just like you, I too am an immigrant who has chosen the United States as my new home. I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with starting a new life in a different country. I want to support you and help empower you to thrive personally and professionally in your newfound home... 

- Roma

Empower to Thrive

By providing you with the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to overcome obstacles and achieve personal and professional growth.

Personalized Guidance

Each immigrant has unique circumstances and aspirations. I use a coaching approach tailred to address your specific needs and goals; a one-on-one approach that considers individual circumstances and preferences.

Cultural Integration

Cultural integration is a significant aspect of an immigrant's journey. I will provide guidance and strategies for cultural integration, helping you better understand and adapt to the customs, norms, and expectations of your new environment.

Professional Development Support

I understand the importance of career advancement for immigrants. I provide support through mentorship, ESL [English as a second language], Linkedin profile review, resume review, portfolio-building, and industry-specific development opportunities & resources. 

I will not let your financial constraints limit you!

When I was in search of career coaches specializing in assisting immigrants, I encountered a dilemma that left me feeling disappointed. Unfortunately, I discovered that every coach I came across in this niche had exorbitant prices that exceeded my budget. While I truly appreciate their expertise and firmly believe in the value of self-investment, their services appeared unattainable and inaccessible. 

As an immigrant myself, I understand firsthand that financial constraints pose significant barriers and challenges in accessing essential resources. This personal experience has motivated me to address this issue by offering diverse payment options for my coaching service.

My services are not intended to compete with other immigrant-focused coaches. Instead, they complement and enhance the existing landscape by offering unique value, experiences, and addressing specific needs.


Pay an amount that you can afford. I want to ensure that my service is accessible to everybody, especially for individuals with limited financial resources. See pricing plans here.


If you are unable to pay now, I encourage you and would love for you to sponsor another immigrant's [or refugee's] coaching session in the future. I recommend sponsoring three, 1-hour sessions or a 6-pack/6 session package.


You don't have to do this alone. 

Want to know if I am the right support person for you? 

Get on a 30-minute discovery call with me!